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Re[4]: [ihc] Rusty water

Hi John,

I noticed you stopped short of recommending PG on Scouts. I was just
throwing the wisdom of a 25 year old document out there.

Just saying the latter about RMI-25 was your undoing :)

CTS-2019P, Coolant, A, 3 (section end)

"Soluble oil is not recommended for use on IH truck engines as its use
will reduce heat transfer.  There are no miracle additives that will
increase heat transfer or prevent over-heating.  Conditioned water is
still the best coolant."

Sorry :> Colin.

Sunday, January 4, 2004, 4:55:27 PM, you wrote:

JH> In my own defense, I wasn't recommending it, just commenting on the fact
JH> that I have it in my diesel. I do recommend RMI-25 unless you find something
JH> in the service manual about it. <g>

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