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[ihc] My gizmo

on 1/5/04 1:12 PM, John M. Adams at [email protected] wrote:

>> So, what you're saying is, you let the magic smoke out of your *head*
>> long ago?
>> That explains a lot.  We all know how well electrical gizmos work after
>> you let the magic smoke out.. that's some good stuff, whatever it is,
>> though breathing it in doesn't seem to make me work any better, but it
>> sure makes the electrical gizmo work.. since once it's escaped, the
>> gizmo doesn't work at all.
> Tom, this had me laughing out loud. Thanks! -John A.
> ---

Don't encourage him by laughing at his jokes, John, he's bad enough already.
If he weren't my buddy, I'd take offense at his demeaning of my gizmo.

Hey Tom, all these sports guys like Mike Ditka, and the Nascar racer, and
the  baseball player all say that they're taking Viagra or Levitra. Do you
suppose one of those would get my gizmo back in working condition?


John Hofstetter

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