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[ihc] Rusty water
My wife's Scout II with a 345 has a problem that I haven't been able to solve.
Seems the only thing I didn't check when we purchased it a few years
back was the coolant; after owning it about a year or so, I decided
to flush the radiator. The water was extremely rusty, in fact there
was sludge in the bottom of the radiator. I flushed it out, put in
new coolant, and forgot about it - until the next year, when the
water was again opaque with rust.
About that time, the water pump pipes developed a leak; after
replacing them, I concluded that all the rust was coming from those
corroded pipes. (I pulled the pump at the time and checked it - no
rust at all on the impeller or housing, and I couldn't see any
rusting in the thermostat well either.) I thought I had the problem
Imagine my surprise on checking the coolant yesterday - it looks like
mud again! How can I fix the problem?
-=[ grant ]=- KD7JNW
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efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -- Heinlein
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