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RE: [ihc] Open vs closed knuckle info sought

I think the difference is something like 17 degree steering closed and 32
degree open, but I might be off a couple of degrees plus or minus. On my
truck (67 1100), the limiting factor wouldn't be solved with just a modified
or replacement box. The backing plates at the wheel ends just don't have the
clearance beyond a certain point, and even if they did, I'm not sure the
extra travel is there in the knuckles. I would have to replace all of the
steering components to see an improvement. But as you say, then some
strength is lost. Kind of like everything else in life - it's a trade
ff...  -John A.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
> Rocky Lear
> Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 9:36 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: [ihc] Open vs closed knuckle info sought
> This has probably been covered before here and in the other
> forums but I thought I would ask again. I am trying to determine
> if switching over to open knuckles will actually help the truck
> turn and drive better or if the chunk of money to do such a
> conversion would be better spent elsewhere. Does anyonoe know the
> degree radius comparison of the two types? Can boxes be switched
> around or modified to improve the radius? It could just be that
> the factory box does not have enough stop to stop clearance and
> if this is true, there may be a way to overcome it. I would like
> to find a way to improve the turning radius as best I can without
> spending $1000 for open knuckle parts. Plus, leaving it as it is
> now, it is much stonger.  The hubs and bearings on this axle are
> twice the size of the 60 stuff. Any help or recommendations would
> be appreciated!
> Rocky
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