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RE: [ihc] Outfitting my shop, air line info

There have been some good points made so far. Let me
tell you what dad's been doing for the 25 years we've
lived in this house. 
Our compressor is in the basement(we live in the city!
:( ) There's a horizontal pipe coming off the
compressor that leads to a vertical that runs up to
the ceiling. At the bottom of this is a valve we can
open to drain the condesation. The vertical pipe has a
horizontal higher up that leads to the regulator for
the basement air line. the vertical pipe ends at the
cieling, and works it's way over to the garage end of
the house. Where it comes out of the house into the
garage, there's another vertical pipe w/ valve at the
bottom. Then it goes up, then over to a regulator, and
that's the garage air hose. The 2 vavles are great for
getting out moisture, but we still need to blow down
the compressor from time to time. I do a lot of sand
blasting off the garage line, never have a problem
with moisture. I paint with either line, but before
doing so, always blow down the compressor & basement
valve. I'd say run at least 1 vertical pipe close to
your compressor w/ a valve at the bottom to drain it.
And I'd put one near your sand blast rig, which I
agree, should be as far from the compressor as
possible. We use a real thin wall copper pipe dad got
somewhere, and the valves I mention are just plain on
off valves. 
I'd go with more than 1 regulator(i like 1 at every
hose, but that's me), as not all air tools use the
same amount of air, and you can use several this way
without readjusting the pressure. 

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions.

--- Binder <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hey Tom,
> : -----Original Message-----
> : From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On 
> : Behalf Of Tom Mandera
> : Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:46 AM
> : To: Jim Camery
> : Cc: [email protected]
> : Subject: Re: [ihc] Outfitting my shop
> <Snippage!>
> : You'll want your air compressor to be as far from
> the 
> : blasting cabinet, "air line" wise, as possible to
> give the 
> : compressed air more time to cool and the moisture
> to condense out.
> So then... Would the reverse apply for a water trap?
>  I'd want it as close
> as possible to the compressor output (and as far
> away from the tool) as
> possible? I'm looking for a nice water filter for my
> compressor... OK
> humidity in the summer is pretty brutal for pumping
> "water" into the air
> tools. I saw a filter at Wal-Mart that looked "ok" I
> guess. It was their
> default air tool brand (C-K, G-K or something like
> that). Looked reasonably
> priced though. Wonder if water traps are like
> everything else... There's
> good ones & bad ones and you get what you pay for. 
> Probably so.
> : Jim Camery wrote:
> <Snip!>
> : > help based on experience would be appreciated.
> That would count me out! %^}
> Have a good day!

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