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Re: [ihc] towing

At 1:08 AM -0500 12/8/03, [email protected] wrote:
got a question to the group.

Has anyone noticed any difference between a 1/2 ton and a 3/4 ton in handling
while towing another vehcile? This question could regard a Ford, Chevy, Dodge
or our beloved IHC, Travelalls, Suburbans or pickups.


I'm not sure how relevant this is, but my Grand Cherokee which is very light indeed does a great job of towing a house trailer up to 7000 lbs. It handles what passing slip streams are doing to the trailer well also. On the other hand, if my Dodge was a half ton rather than a three quarter ton, I'd be nervous about pulling my trailer with it, even though I think I use my equalizer hitch as well as it can be used.

I consider the 1210 that we had to have been the ultimate tow vehicle, but some of that may be retrospectal fantasy. (how about that new word?) That massive frame gave both the vehicle and me a feeling of security.

When Ford truck owners are looking for reasons that their Fords are better for towing than the Dodge diesels, they often talk about the weakness of the Dodge frames. However, I've never seen or heard any Dodge diesel owner say anything about frame weakness. I belong to two Dodge diesel lists and there has never been any mention of frame trouble on those lists, at least not that I've seen. I see in the new Ford truck commercials they talk about how they have stiffened the frames on the F 150 trucks by, I think, boxing the frames and having the cross members go through the side rails.

My impression is that trailer pullers who choose Dodge often choose the 2500 whereas it seems to me that the Fords have 3500's as a greater proportion.

I don't know if there is a single substantiated fact in this post except that my GC does a far better job of pulling a heavy trailer than I could reasonably expect.

Glad you made it home alive. Stay that way.


John Hofstetter

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