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RE: Tire Size, was: RE: [ihc] Slight lift to older Travelall

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
> John Hofstetter
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 12:37 PM
> To: John M. Adams; [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Tire Size, was: RE: [ihc] Slight lift to older Travelall
> >They LOOKED just right... On the other hand, those tires, after
> sitting for
> >nearly twelve years, don't have a single sidewall or tread
> crack. I got them

Looking at old maintenance notes... turns out I bought those tires in 87,
ran them through 92, then let the truck sit on them in the (exposed)
driveway until this past July. So 5 years of daily use, followed by 11 years
of neglect (including two flats that I didn't notice for several months when
I got around to putting it on jack stands). And still the tires look great
today, with generous tread, and no cracks or sidewall humps. With this
experience, and your endorsement (along with their general reputation), I
may try to spring for another set of them after I do the lift.

> In my opinion there were no better tires made than the Yokahamas, but
> there is no good outlet for them anywhere near where I live.
> When you say you are getting more practical, and aware of your
> mortality, is that the same as my, "The older I get, the more chicken
> I get."

Yep! That's the same thing exactly...
-John A.
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