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RE: [ihc] Slight lift to older Travelall

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mac @ TRIAD [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 1:14 AM
> To: [email protected]; [email protected]
> Subject: RE: [ihc] Slight lift to older Travelall
> ## >> Yeah, I'm starting to think so too, Mac. I sometimes suffer
> ## >> from needless
> ## >> "capacity anxiety"...
> oh boy.  you don't gotta tell me twice.  when the brake drums on my 1960
> B122 wore out for the third time in less than a year, my solution was in
> this very vein.  "bigger is better!"  "more power!"  <grunt grunt grunt>

One pleasant (re)discovery: the rear springs on my 1100B are the 7-leaf H/D
set vs. the 5-leaf standard. I wish I had the auxiliary stack on top of
that, but oh, well.

> what i did was steal the dually axle and springs from a 1966 1500A (the
> heaviest truck in the Light Line) for my B122.  serious overkill.  i will
> *never* use that axle to its full potential, or even come close.
> the bottom
> will fall out of the bed first.  but it made me feel better having it, and
> it was a fun project anyway.  my dad still looks at me funny and
> shakes his
> head over this one.  +)  did i mention that technically it's still *his*
> truck?  <wicked grin>

Sounds like the way my dad (and others) looked when I towed my
not-yet-running-after-12-years TA 1400 miles behind an over-loaded rental
moving truck. I almost didn't survive that trip; should have hired you and
your hybrid B series!

-John A.

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