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Re: [ihc] help needed rebuilding front axle - diff removal - getting long
--- Tom Mandera <[email protected]> wrote:
> A complete front diff overhaul kit should be a good bit under $200,
> but
> probably a little more than $150, with new pinion bearings, carrier
> bearings, and seals/gaskets.
Couldn't find one when I was looking, and don't need it at the moment,
but can you buy complete overhaul kits? I couldn't even find the parts
from axle dealers... ended up buying them from an IH source.
Thanks for all the help Tom (and others!)
> You can get balljoints for $20-$40 each (depending on
> brand/quality/HD)
> and you'll need 4.
Well, since they're fairly quick to get to, I'll wait on those I think.
> Wheel bearings, if you decide to swap those out,
> too, are not cheap either.. just the wheel bearing seal on the
> backside
> of the wheel hub assembly is about $10 per side (one for the RF, one
> for
> the LF) just so you can pull the wheel bearings out to clean and
> repack.
Well, already got those, so they'll be new and I'll have spares.
[email protected]
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