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Re: [ihc] help needed rebuilding front axle - diff removal

--- Tom Mandera <[email protected]> wrote:
> First, have you pulled the axle shafts out of the housing?  It's
> going 
> NOWHERE with the axle shafts still installed, so you need to tear
> down 
> the wheel hubs and pull the axle shafts out.

Thanks Tom.  The axle shafts are sitting next to the truck, so that's
not the problem ;)

> THEN, it should come out.  Mine only came out after I got frustrated
> and 
> gave my prybar a good hard kick.. :D

Hmmm... I've already given it several kicks.  I've hung from the bumper
and tried to leg press the crowbar back towards the back.  I think it
will be easier to build a spreader.  I'm assuming it just pops out if
you spread it correctly.

> Bill Thebert has a neat trick of running a nylon strap around the

Thought about something like that... might give it a quick try before I
give up on the brute force method.  Don't have a come-along, but maybe
could make a big enough lever out of a 2x4 or something.  Stand on the
hood and pull back using the bumper as a fulcrum... sounds like it
might be worth trying.  I think I'll do it with the garage door closed
so the neighbors don't get to laugh at me if I bust my butt trying it. 
Maybe a cardboard box in front of the truck for the diff to land on...


[email protected]

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