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Re: [ihc] Synthetic vs Dino oil: Environmental ??

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Allan W." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 6:44 AM
Subject: [ihc] Synthetic vs Dino oil: Environmental ??

> OK, the recent discussion of synthetic oils and
> mention of leaking it out got me wondering:
> What are the environmental issues with leaking
> synthetic oil?

To the best that I understand, when the synthetic first came out it did leak
more than dino oil.  I've been told that the problem was solved, and from my
record keeping on two vehicles that leaked oil, both have reduced oil
consumption, when I switched to M1, but it took a few thousand miles to do
so.  Ialso gained a little on fuel milage.

If  I interpreted correctly the biggest concern is the $ leaked from a
serious leaker.

I also believe that by using the oil longer between changes, I save a little
on the natural resourses.  But that picture gets blured with wich resourses.
For me it's the same with driving older vehicles for higher miles.  Do I
actually save more resourses by not buying new ones?  Or do I save more
resourses by  buying less parts and less fuel for the newer ones?  I would
like some documented evidence for such a decision.   Even so, there is
something obout the IHC that will keep it for yet a long time.
Cheers Jim A.

> Same as dino oil?  Not as bad for the environment?
> Worse?
> I seem to recall reading that some kind of bacteria had
> been found that feeds on oil spilled on the ground.  That
> probably would not be the case for synthetic.
> What about in the water (lakes, ocean)?
> Just curious,
> Allan W.

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