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RE: Hoffs' subjects and target practice on the [ihc] digest

Nope. As I said, you said the same thing. It was just clear that
you had re-typed it as the wording was a little bit different.
The mystery (for me) was clarified as soon as you said that your
first post went astray. I thought it was cool that you took the
trouble to make sure you said what you wanted to say, by posting
a second time.
-John A.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Hofstetter [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:48 AM
To: [email protected]; Ryan Moore; ihc-digest
Subject: RE: Hoffs' subjects and target practice on the [ihc] digest

At 10:19 PM -0700 11/9/03, John M. Adams wrote:
>Just to confuse matters more:

You know, matters may be more confusable, but there are times when I 
doubt that I am. But thanks for the post, and I apologize for the 
double entry. Geez, I hope that I didn't contradict what I said the 
first time when I re-typed it.

Reminds me that: "If you don't have a really good memory, better tell 
the truth."
John Hofstetter
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