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Re: [ihc] Notes on my quest for IH Red Paint (aerosol)

---Already talked to Case. The IH Red they offer now is not the same color
as the old Farmall IH Red. The closest thing I have found to the IH Red used
on Farmalls like ours is Dem-Kote 1D486 IH Red (Int. Harvester). It might be
classified as hazardous now, but the pigmentation should still be easily
matched with this number by a company that carries Dem-Kote. Even asked Case
if they had a powder-coat, no luck there. The red that they use is a nice
shade though and they will have it in 5 gallon buckets if you want it.

----If you were painting the Farmall, I can say from experience that if you
find the Dem-Kote 1D486 it would be identical to the original Farmall paint,
with the exception that the Farmall IH Red is most likely faded by now. How
do I know this... I cleaned off the shroud and tank and feathered the tank
with 1200 gritt wet-sand, then painted the tank with the Dem-Kote I picked
up for $.0.99 a can (retail @ $5.69). I then painted stripes on my Scout II
hood, the lampshade on my halogen pedestal lamp for the living room, the 304
in the Scout, hmmmm... what else did I go off on... LOL. All painted parts
have been holding up well, the red on the hood is the only color that hasn't
gotten onto my clothing or skin when I have come into contact with it and it
hasn't faded, even though it hasn't been clear-coated (it's rattle-can, why
bother), it baked onto small parts real well and came out with a nice bright

---Thank you,
-`73 Scout II (StoneThrower)
-`51 Farmall H (Heinz)
-`49 IH fridge (presently unnamed and in need of a compressor)
-`49 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan (Papapalooza)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mark stegmann" <[email protected]>
To: "IHdigest" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [ihc] Notes on my quest for IH Red Paint (aerosol)

> If you want IH red, or white or yellow enamel, go to
> the local CaseIH dealer & get it. It's available in
> gallons quarts & spray cans I believe. I'm sure it
> would take trhe heat of your V8 as the tractor engines
> all get sprayed with it. Seen lots of tractors
> restored with it.
> Mark
> > > Napa carries a line of RufNek (Martin Senour
> > Paints) spraypaint that they
> > are
> > > discontinuing according to the counter person, an
> > older gentleman, at my
> > > local NAPA. He said that there are some cans still
> > in stock, but that
> > there
> > > wouldnt be any more after they are gone.
> > Unfortunately he didnt have any
> > IH red in
> > > stock.
> > > Napa RufNek IH Red # 79021. Approx 6.00 a can.
> > > Plasi Kote makes an IH Red spraypaint in their
> > farm implement paint. You
> > can
> > > find a retailer near you by calling 800-251-4511
> > and asking a real live
> > I think it was carquest too, might be another
> > smaller chain that carries
> > paint cans (gallon size or so) of IH red paint.
> > Actually... maybe it was a
> > hardware store.  They had about 20 gallons in stock
> > when I was by there, IH
> > red paint isn't really too hard to come by in gallon
> > pail form due to the
> > large number of tractors that use it.  It's just the
> > enamel and other high
> > temp stuff that's not as common....
> >
> > -Ryan
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