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Re[2]: [ihc] Scout Gas Tank Removal ALSO Hitch Stud Replacement?
Hi Ryan and all,
Comments inline...
Monday, October 20, 2003, 6:37:50 PM, you wrote:
RM> I'm assuming you do not have a skid plate in place....
You assume right.
RM> Try to get as much fuel out of the tank as possible, I did it by using a
RM> siphon through the filler neck. A tank is bulky, heavy with fuel is not a
RM> good thing...
Done, but I just used an electric reciprocating fuel pump.
RM> I used deep well sockets on the strap bolts, you want to go for the rearmost
RM> ones. They are simply J bolts hooked into the body, so it might seem like
RM> they are at a really bad angle, but you can get a deep well socket on the
RM> end and onto the nuts themselves, just start it on and basically wedge it on
RM> there.
I discovered another problem with my escapade. Removing the hitch
receiver was mandatory. On a tangentially related issue, does anyone
know if it would be reasonably safe to reuse the hitch receiver
mounting studs?
If the special studs which are connected to a small piece of plate
could be found, I could see how it would be reasonably possible to
replace the rear ones thru the frame hole behind the bumper mount. But
I don't see how it would be even possible to replace the front ones
they are so far back with no other access points.
If replacement is unrealistic and reuse is marginally acceptable, I
guess I will get some new grade 8 nuts and washers and use some
antisieze on em to try to reduce further corrosion.
RM> The first time it's a pain because you have to get the rust off of
RM> the threads, but it's better after that (unfortunately I know from
RM> experience). Go ahead and loosen the hose clamps on the hoses you can get
RM> to (the filler hose and vent hose) they will pull free when you drop the
RM> tank, although they may need to be cut off becuase of age (you'll find out
RM> when you try to drop the tank).
After the hitch receiver was out of the way, it became apparent thru
some false starts that there was no way for me to get a socket on my
gas tank strap nuts in this specific install. Another lister
recommended bending back the frame crossmember around just the 2
straps with a pipewrench which I reluctantly did as I was running out
of light. Looks like gas tank removal will be a go on my next day
RM> -Ryan
Thanks to all those who replied to my little situation. Now it looks
like the biggest issue will be getting everything back together in a
relatively safe manner.
Lates, Colin.
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