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[ihc] 67 T'All Cowl Rust

Hello... I'm new to the list, but not to Internationals - I'm working on my
second Travelall, a '67 that I've just gotten back on the road after a 15
year "rest". I'm hoping to find some answers to questions here, and maybe
even provide some myself.

I was happy to find the following from the archives:
From: [email protected]
Date: 09 Jul 97 10:52:46 -0500
Subject: Travelall Air vent clean out

     Who was talking about the way to clean out the "air boxes" on the
     travelalls?  My whole assembly looks like it is spot welded together
     from the factory.  How do you get inside to clean, fix and rust proof?

     BTW, that canister was the surge/vapor tank that I was asking about.

     Member ScouTenn
...but disappointed when I could find no responses to Michael's question.
Does anyone have any helpful hints on this subject? I just pulled about 10
pounds of mud and rust from inside the top of the cowl, but I had to use a
parts-retrieval tool as my arm won't fit down the external vent access,
never mind the naval jelly, sand blaster, rust reformer, etc.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated...

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