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Re: [ihc] Distributor choices


MSD is an amplifier, mounted externally to the distributor, just like a Gold
Box. The critical part of the system is still in the distributor. It's the
advance curve.

The advantage to the electronic spark generators (pertronix, prestolite,
MSD, Jacobs, Crane, etc) are that they give a better spark at higher rpms
than points ignitions because they are not dependent on the shorter duration
of the dwell signal and can hit a happy medium on spark duration as well.
That means slightly better fuel economy at higher rpms, but not enough
change in power to really matter much. It can also mean easier starts in
winter, but only in a vehicle with a carb (of fuel injection) in good shape.
A crappy carb and you still have hard starting with a high powered ignition.

Ideally, you want the timing to be advanced just to the point where it's
"almost ready to ping" but doesn't. The only real good reasons that I can
think of for changing out the distributor are to make the cap and rotor less
prone to crossfire or arcing or to be able to adjust the advance curve,
which is critical for really optimizing an engine's performance.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ROCKY LEAR" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:05 PM
Subject: [ihc] Distributor choices

> What are the choices for a better than stock distributor shaft for a 392?
I would like to have something like an  MSD but will entertain any others.
> Rocky

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