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Re: [ihc] Re: Digest Support (and MORE other stuff)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mac @ TRIAD" <[email protected]>

> ## >> ---BTW, she says hello to ya Mac and asks how your better half is.

> ... she's moved from launcher platoon
> over to maintenance platoon, and even better, Systems Maintenance Squad.
> while the other maintenance monkeys are getting greasy and dirty and
> Systems plays with the electronics and generators and so on.  sometimes
> have to jump in with the other monkeys and get really dirty, but mostly
> deal with the electrical/electronic side of maintaining the Battery
> equipment.

---So that means if you can talk her into it, you will have a saalite link
hooked up in the Travelall or somethin'?

>...  additionally, after being in Launcher Platoon for a year, they put off
> the entire year her first promotion.  within two weeks of being in Systems
> Maintenance, they got her her year-overdue promotion.  how's that for
> better?

---Can't beat that! Congratulations from all in my Clan!

> Specialist MacBrghde, she is now.  and could very well be Sergeant
> MacBrghde within another 6 months (3 months if they really push it super
> hard, unusual but not impossible) if she plays her cards right (and the
> platoon Sergeant decides he wants to push her for it, which he says he's
> going to).  not much change in income, but a huge change in responsibility
> and job duties.  and a new pride in the set of her shoulders, the way she
> holds her head, the look in her eyes.  going from Private First Class to
> Specialist has made a great difference in her, and it's pretty neat to
> i can't wait for those Sergeant's stripes.

---Well well well, you tell her I said to shoot for the moon next, then you
will have a reason to have a Travelall with satalite link. :D Another
well-deserved "Cogratulations" to the misses!

> and on a last note, she's finally got herself a new car.  i wasn't super
> excited to do it, but we traded the '68 Scout 800 in on something much
> newer and quieter and... change all reference of Scout to Travelall...
brb.             K...

> all, she's doing pretty darned well.

---I was in the process of researching a `93 MX-3 for the wife, but with the
Ditchfinder needing still some steering/suspension repairs, I was a bit slow
in my deciding on it. I didn't want to buy another vehicle that I had to
dump even $1K in before I would feel would be reliable enough to drive.
$400.oo wan't a bad price, don't get me wrong, but rings, new aftermarket
cam and suspension components were not recalls but service bulletins. It was
sold today and I only heard about it yesterday, not enough time to decide

---Congrats on the new car. What did she buy, how much did they give "youse
guys" on a trade-in and where does it sit now (for those inquiring minds)?

> ...nor do i
> feel guilty that we were only able to send $20 ourselves.  i'd have liked
> have sent more, but you know how it goes. times are rough for an awful lot
> of folks right now.  with both of our kids finally in school,

---I know all too well. We have three for school, house payment, bills that
include the new furnace/AC unit that we try to enjoy, etc., ect. The wife
has taken a position in the local nursing home and I am busting my butt as
much as the boss will allow me to. Something is better than nothing Brother.
If I had more, I would have offered more and I would have known it was going
for a good cause... even though PayPal FWIU likes to take a small fee from
all transactions and the transaction is not final when they "say" the money
is in your bank account.

> i was able to
> return to the job market...  only to find that within El Paso my prospects

---Happy for your new employment status. There is nothing like sitting
around for far too long to make a young man feel useless. The wife and I
(jokingly of course) were discussing lottery winnings recently. The lottery
I am sure will become a question to con-gress here in Alabama again.
Afterall, we have a lot of proposed* tax cuts coming into view soon.
Anywhose, I had told her that even if we were lucky enough to win $164M, I
would still have to have a wood-shop or massive collection of IHCs (of all
bairn) to keep me busy. She would want to cruise the country singing for
churches and me, I will drive if the back half of the BUS* has an enclosed
roll-back that will protect at least one of the farm impliments I take with,
<BG> but there is no way that I would want to drive 1800 miles and pass a
gathering because I didn't bring a toy with me... even if it was an IHC bus.

> if things improve for us,

--You are wll on your way... IF*, lol. I have faith in "yous guys". Best

> and/or if i manage to start bringing in some
> income, i'll see about organizing a further contribution to the Digest.

---Hay day, benefit concerts, Monster Farm, we could go network with this...
then again, low profile is best for us and I don't think you have that* much

> hopefully more folks
> out there will keep the dosh rolling in and keep Richard afloat.

---It is for a good cause. For those that weren't here and for those that
need to be reminded, moving is a hard thing to deal with. He didn't drop the
Digest in his migration, it seemed to be on of the things on the "Priority"
list. We ran, and ran well while he was in the process. He takes good care
of us, it's the least I could do to send another contribution in the future,
even if he comes along and says "Thank you, we have done it! I am out of the
mudhole" that's not saying that it isn't raining on dirt at the next hollow.

> i for one
> have learned an awful lot from the Digest and Digesters...  mostly about
> much i didn't know that i thought i did (what an enormous eye opener!),
> also an awful lot of stuff i had no idea about at all, and not an
> or unuseful tidbit in the lot.

---There aren't too many topics that I don't look at. Unless they have a
subject title that I cannot see as On-Topic, a name I don't recognize that
seems Off-Topic, a topic I have decided to withdraw from (not many) or my
inbox is so full that I have to delete choice discussions about
vehicles/motors I don't yet have, I read and learn a little from each one.
Besides, what would I do without news of events just attended? It is nice to
hear about what people saw on their way to or from a 1K+ mile trek to a
gathering. It is nice to be able to take the trips to Mexico and Trans-Am
with Mr. Hofstetter. Heck, sometimes I can even see myself making an attempt
to cross a snow-covered ditch, when Tom M. has pics to go with the story. I
watched the digest for about 2 years before I actually joined. Maybe I was
trying to sneak in after asking for dimensions on a body tub, I had no idea
I was asking for a blueprint of the entire body. After a while, I just had
to step in. I am happy there was a chair available. One day I am sure the
Digest will do for me what it was originally intended to do. I will FINALLY*
be able to take a trek myself to one of the gatherings... and I will have
SIFS (Sudden Ignition Failure Syndrome) or something... and another IH
Brother's cell phone will ring as he is nearing the off-ramp which I stalled

---I have further news that I will discuss on another eMail, this one will
most likely take a lot of bandwidth to send, so I will switch not to
low-octane and save myself and others from any further run-on and ping
problems. :D

---Thank you,
-Thomas R. Elliott Jr. & Jamie M. Roy-Elliott (Paw & Maw)
-`73 Scout II (StoneThrower)
-`51 Farmall H (Heinz)
-`49 IH fridge (presently unnamed and in need of a compressor)
-`49 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan (Papapalooza)

-Fortiter Et Recte & Soyez Sage-

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