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Re: [ihc] AMC overheating

on 9/15/03 12:57 PM, Mac @ TRIAD at [email protected] wrote:

> ummmmm...  say, Hoffs, i don't mean to interrupt or anything, but i'm kind
> of curious...
> what exactly is "reserected" ??  now i was gonna assume you meant
> "resurrected", but perhaps that isn't what you meant at all.  maybe you used
> the exact word you meant to use and i've just never heard of it before.  so
> i thought i'd best ask first before i assume anything.
> so what is it?
> --Mac

Well Mac, now listen carefully so that you'll know this from now on. It's a
rather closely guarded secret so that real motor men will know when other
so-called motor men are genuine. When you bring other things back to life,
the term, as you've surmised, is resurrected. However, when real motor guys
bring a motor back to life, they say that they reserected it. It's kind of
from them having had reservations about whether or not they could do it, so
the term is a derivative of reservation and resurrection, reserected.

My excuse is that I spent the day catching up on overdue bills due to our
traveling, and my brain needs to be reserected if I'm going to catch my
stupid mistakes. 

Thanks for the humor, Mac. Now, want to loan me some money?

John Hofstetter

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