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Re: Spam? (or scam)

---Alright, I have to jump in here. Follow with me and call me cynic, call 
me paranoid or just plainly tell me that we are, and maybe will be from now 
on, on high alert. Excuse my punctuation errors, they are intended.

---About 2 months after the Wor.ld Tr.ade Ce.nter cat.astrophe, I answered a 
phone call from someone of Mi.ddle-Eas.tern descent, wanting to GIVE* Schatz 
Beth a cell phone. Well Beth Schatz is the wife of my (used to be) partner 
in automotive mechanics/performance. This person clearly did not understand 
how names are listed in the phone book (last name first) and didn't know 
English well enough to even hold a conversation with me on the phone. I 
doubted the legitimacy of the company and told everyone I knew about it. 
Please tell me I didn't forget to mention it here.

---My fist worry was that they were passing out cell phones that had small 
ex.plosive devices in them... because they clearly don't believe our lives 
are worth mosquito dung. After conversation with others on this topic, it 
grew to the possibility that they would be trying to knock out our 
com.munication towers. Next we have the warning broadcasted, something 
suspicious having to do with cell phones being given away.

---Almost immediately after the news flash, we have a power failure that 
hits a very vul.nerable part of the US powe.r gr.id , the Gr.eat Lak.es 
region, N.ew Yo.rk and portions of Ca.nada. Now, I don't know how you feel 
about the Gre.at La.kes region, but I know that there was too much talk 
about closing of mi.litary bases there when I lived in MI. As I said before 
Ch.icago played a major role in the defeat of Ja.pan, though it never came 
to that point (I am sorry Mr. Hofstetter, on my visit to Ch.icago I didn't 
find any info at the mall about Ford Cit.y's tunnels and/or the plot/plans 
of their use during that time). NOT an urban legend, I brought my oldest boy 
to see the tunnels and too many people KNOW it was true. I myself had read 
the pamphlet that was found with the maps at the mall telling the history of 
the building, verifying the tales that were told by the "old timers".

---Anywhose, now we have a vi.rus that is supposed to "stop" it's program on 
9-10, what is the next com.mand and what will evolve from it? Is that the 
final test or step... knock out the int.ernet, knock out the po.wer supply 
and knock out cell phones? It is well known that our tec.nology is what wins 
our bat.tles and we rely upon this to go about our daily lives.

---Why do you think it will stop functioning on 9-10. Did you dissect the 
program or was that some type of humor that I failed to see? If the 
statement you made was not justified, then I withdraw from this topic (for 
now) and feel comfort knowing my guns are well cleaned and kept and my 
family is safe even when I am at work. Then again, read this 
http://www.msnbc.com/news/954470.asp?cp1=1 Sounds like some type of big plan 
is brewing to me... and we were warned that there was to be some* type of 
strike against us between two weeks ago and October. Email was intercepted 
between (IIRC) two know Al.q.uida terr.orist suspects and the word was 
passed on to us all.

---More on Secu.rity headlines 

---Thank you,
-`73 Scout II (StoneThrower)
-`51 Farmall H (Heinz)
-`49 IH fridge (presently unnamed and in need of a compressor)
-`49 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door Sedan (Papapalooza)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Randolph" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: Spam?

> > Joel,
> >
> > I got a bunch too.  They fit the description on the Dell website for the
> > sobig.f virus.  I've just been deleing them.  Haven't caused a problem
> yet.
> >
> > Steve
> Also, I'm pretty sure the virus is programmed to stop propogating on or
> around 9/10
> -Jeff
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.512 / Virus Database: 309 - Release Date: 8/19/2003

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