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Re: Horse Puckey, my Burro!

You know of course, that I was pulling on your collective legses.  Just
that I've been too busy to spend time on the digest other than to scan
and read a bit.  It probably is just my frustration from not being able
to get to Tulare two years in a row and missing RM and NW again.  But at
least the spring over is together and a SOA  Terra looks really good.  
Ok, enough of the run on sentences.  Have a nice day ya'll.


>From: John Hofstetter >To: Ken Hitchcox , >Subject: Horse Puckey, my
Burro! >Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 12:39:45 -0700 > >on 8/3/03 12:07 PM, Ken
Hitchcox at [email protected] wrote: > > > Alrighty then... > > > > Ken
(aka potential Darwin Award recipient) > >You know, Ken, my friend, > >If
you kept the digest occupied with questions and information about IH
>vehicles then we'd have less reason to stray off topic. > >The truth is,
at least as I see the truth, that we've all become friends, of >an e-mail
and regional meeting sort, and we like to talk to each other. If >we had
more IH stuff to talk about, we'd talk IH, because after all, that's >the
thing that brought us together. > >Let me be the first to admit, that I
haven't had enough to do here in >Salida, and I've posted way too much
off-topic stuff. This confession does >not mean that I won't post
off-topic again, but it does mean that I >recognize that I pushed the
off-topicness (my new noun) too far. > >So, relax, and enjoy the
on-topicness that I'm committed to, at least for a >day or two. >
>Besides that, I've been thinking about joining the gyro digest. > >Or
out of deference to my horse puckey friend, the one-eyed pilot's digest.
> Or maybe the Horse Puckey digest, since I seem to be qualified in that
>area. > >John Hofstetter > > > >


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