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IHC and Okanogan Wild Fire

Hello all.  We seem to have made the State news and a little more.  In case
any out there are wondering, there was a wild fire started within three
blocks of our house.  With high winds an very dry conditions, it spread
fast.  We were able to avoid any damage, but we did have fire within 15 feet
of our property.  There were also rocks from the fire that rolled down on
the lawn and parking area.  I found out why young folks are fire fighters.
At 63 years, I tired out fast, especially with a back pack pumper, on a
70-75% grade.

When I saw how much help there was from neighbors, I though of the familiy
bond on this list.  Oh, also after the fire was contained, I saw a number of
IH fire trucks, tanker type for brush fires. ( IHC) content.
 Some folks did not fare so well,six homes lost :-(

A very GRATEFUL Jim A.

 Jim Aos
[email protected]
Okanogan, WA

72 1310 I.H.C 4x4      242000 miles
76 300D MB               263000 miles
83 Goldwing                202000 miles
94 F350 Turbo Diesel  180000 miles

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