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Joel's arrested deceleration

Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 13:51:25 -0700
From: "Joel M Brodsky" <[email protected]>
Subject: Kelsey-Hayes Brake Controller instructions?

Does anyone have an instruction book for a Kelsey-Hayes Brake
with the knob adjustment specifics? The knob/lever to activate the
on my controller is a screw in/out adjustment, and I'm still at a
loss as
to how to fine tune the force. It seems that I skid the trailer tires
the trailer is empty, regardless of where the knob is set.

Help is appreciated

Joel - out is slower engagement of the circuit, in is faster.
However, you may be having the same problem I am. If so, I hope
someone has an answer(Hofs?). I have KH hydraulically actuated
controllers in both the 1210 Travelall and the Traveler. Both are NOS
units I installed, both have selective resistors, and they both
behave the same way. With either of our travel trailers('66-ish
Silver Streak, '64-ish Streamline, both with original K-H brakes),
they work great. Just as you'd expect, and the adjustment knob
noticeably varies the engagement. Stopping power is set at the
resistor, the larger Streamline runs the bus bar just about in the
middle. Hook my modern car hauler to either rig, and the first stop
seems normal. After that, immediate full braking power and the
engagement point adjustment has no noticeable effect. This is with
the resistor set to max resistance. Obviously at this point there is
too much current going to the brakes, but why? And why is the first
stop normal(if you drive for a good bit without applying the brakes,
the first stop will *again* be normal)? Does the resistance of the
brake magnets drop precipitously when they're warm? I note that this
trailer brakes just fine with a couple of different electronic
controllers I've used on other trucks. Will a second selective
resistor in series help? I'd really like to keep the K-H controllers.


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