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Re: Trailer Remedy from JoelB

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David A. Gregg" <[email protected]>
To: "Ryan Moore" <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 07:18
Subject: Re: Trailer Remedy from JoelB

> Yes,
> but none of the levelers and sway bars will compensate for not enough
> weight.

you're right there, but you can get by better with more tongue wegiht.

> They will just give you a sense of false security.
> They do help, don't get me wrong but too often they are used to compensate
> for the lack brains or common sense and availability of tow vehicle. All
> often you see someone who can't drive a Toyota or whatever hook their
> Expedition to a huge camper and expect it to do 75 with no problems.
> I would say that more problems are caused by too little weight than too
> weight. You would have to have a tremendous suspension on the rear of the
> tow vehicle to support enough weight to transfer a lot of weight off the
> front axle.
> David

You're right about those silly drivers, I saw someone in a little import SUV
towing this HUGE cabin cruiser once.

You lost me on the last sentence, are you talking front trailer axle?

You do have to still have good weight distribution, but the levelers and
sway bar are still a good idea IMO.


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