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Re: Fwd: When Interfaces Kill

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Vinnie Moscaritolo <[email protected]> wins the 40
million dollar lottery and says:

>>When Interfaces Kill: What Really Happened to John Denver

This sort of thing illustrates how being "anal" about small details can be
an asset rather than a liability.  You can't be anal enough when it comes
to flying as there's no shoulder to pull over on to figure out what you
screwed up at altitude!  As I was reading that story, I was thinking to
myself what kind of moron would put an unmarked or uncalibrated fuel gauge
in an aircraft... much less put a fuel selector switch where it couldn't be
*easily* reached.  If the builder didn't wish to route fuel lines to the
rear of the control panel, he should have considered a remote controlled
(servo) valve.  If that was too scary for him (electrical remote control),
then he should have thought of something else.

As to why some aircraft have fuel valves designed to select one tank at a
time... one reason is as a safety measure.  If one tank were contaminated
or was punctured (leaking), it can be isolated to keep from contaminating
or draining the other tank.  It's one of those features you hope you never
need to use, but it's nice to have there "just-in-case."


John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      |"I don't care if you think it's your right.
Conservative Libertarian        | I say: Sorry, it's 1999. We have had
Life Member of the NRA          | enough as a nation. You are not allowed
WA Arms Collectors              | to own a gun, and if you do own a gun
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   | I think you should go to prison."
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |        -- Talk-show host Rosie O'Donnell

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