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Way off Topic, Sick of this BS

>Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 12:40:19 PDT
>From: "Ken Hitchcox" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Way off topic
>This was sent to me. I trust the source but haven't verified it myself. 
>Worth reading. Very sorry about the bandwidth waste, but I could identify 
>with the writer. Note there is "r" rated language.


>Actually, I had no problem fathoming Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's
>motives. While I didn't suffer the extreme abuse some of my friends
>did, I was fucked with enough to spend four years fantasizing about
>blowing up my high school and everyone in it.  I can only imagine the


Okay, Ken, this is complete bullshit for you to be posting this 
kind of crap on this IHC list. Get a fuc*king clue you moron. Keep 
your goddamn idiot views to yourself, or better yet, join some radical 
subversive political list. It is obvious where your sympathies lie 
given what you posted here. It is scum like you that are what is 
wrong with the internet. Now that anybody can log on the internet 
(including neophytes and just plain ignorant people) we cannot totally 
avoid the spam (like you posted). 

Again, I hold to the view that your posting was completely out of 
line. And I also might add that as of late the IHC list has had 
a lot of spam and just plain ignorant talk about completely non-related 
subject matter. I would ask all of you to take it some where else; It has no place here.

You have freedom of speech, granted, but someone should call you 
on your errors, which I am certainly doing.

That's all. And if you don't like my email name, I say tough shit 
and get over it. A little quid pro quo for your ignorant posting. 
Look at it this way: it's a tad more palatable for you this way 
than if you were here in real life and getting the piss slapped out of you.

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