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Only Fair

It's only right that we should give something back to you. After all,
if it hadn't been for you, would we have known what the world's worst
make-out vehicle was.

I plowed at my girl friend's ranch when I was a kid, with a Hudson
Terraplane with some kind of pushbutton electric transmission. Not a
pickup, it had been their family car. 

Come on, John, that's stretching it too far!
No, really plowing with the family car. Hey Willy, it was a darn good
make-out vehicle. I don't want to start a new thread, but are all guys
still really in love with their first girl friend?  Is that God's 11th
John H.

Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 20:21:19 -0600
From: William Cunningham <[email protected]>
Subject: hard block

Today I was visiting with the machinist that's doing the long block on
my F-134 when he leads me over to another block he is working
is the second hardest %$&^* block I have ever worked on, I can bore
8 holes on a ford or chevy in the time it takes to do one  IH
cylinder!". So I asked "because of the high Nickel content?"... he
looked at me in amazement and said "YES, exactly".
From that point on he treated me as a peer rather than just a valued
Never mind the fact that what I know about IH blocks was gained from
internet digest not a degree in metallurgy and about all I know about
nickel is that it don't buy what it did when I was a kid ;-) and it's
way up on the MO scale of hardness. So what's the point? I don't know
but it felt good at the time.
Thanks folks!

77 SS II
P.S. The hardest block he had ever worked on was made of chrome-moly
is in a Hudson Teraplane pickup, the only one known to be left in

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