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Re: My 392

The aliens commander decided Tom Mandera <[email protected]> would make a
perfect specimen for dissection, and he yelled...

>Left #8 out and turned the motor around (with a friend) until #8 stopped 
>pushing air out.  Rotor was pointing at the water pump bypass hose, just 
>like I had thought.  #1 cylinder was already attached to it.

Wait a minute Tom...

First you seem to indicate you were *attempting* to find TDC, but you say
"stopped pushing air out."  The proper way is to indeed feel the air
*start* coming out, but then you refer to the harmonic balancer and
continue rotating the crank until the timing mark is lined up with the 0
degree mark on the timing gear cover.

Then you mention the rotor is pointing to the *number 1* spark plug
terminal.  With the engine at TDC, the rotor should be pointing at the
terminal connected to the number 8 cylinder... not number 1.  You're
confusing me here by what you're trying to do.

>When I found #8 TDC, I also took note of the harmonic balancer - the 
>timing mark was to the "top" (near the timing indicators on the block).

This is good... as I said, TDC on the number 8 cylinder has to be set with
the timing mark at 0 degrees.

>Still getting a few pops out of the exhaust, and a belches of smoke from 
>the carb.

This sure sounds like you have the spark plugs off.  Again, at TDC the
rotor should point exactly at the cap terminal connected to the number 8
cylinder... not number 1.

Keep us posted,

John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      |"I don't care if you think it's your right.
Conservative Libertarian        | I say: Sorry, it's 1999. We have had
Life Member of the NRA          | enough as a nation. You are not allowed
WA Arms Collectors              | to own a gun, and if you do own a gun
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   | I think you should go to prison. 
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |        -- Talk-show host Rosie O'Donnell

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