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Re: Dist. problem

The aliens commander decided Russel DeArman <[email protected]> would
make a perfect specimen for dissection, and he yelled...

>  Second curious thing: Today I pulled the vacuum line
>going to the brake booster off...and the idle went


This typically means that your idle mixture is on the rich side.  When you
pull the large vacuum line, you introduce more air into the intake stream,
which is just like opening the throttle slightly.  The fact that this extra
air leak isn't passing through the carb having more fuel added and still
the rpm increases, points to the overall mixture being too rich (with extra
unburned fuel available).  If your overall idle mixture was on the lean
side, pulling a large vacuum leak would usually cause a noticeable decrease
or roughening of the idle, as the leak causes the mixture to lean out even
more.  Make sense?

>  My vacuum reading is 16-18 with rapid fluctuation of
>the needle between the two points. My troubleshooting
>manual is at home...but if memory serves this would
>indicate a sticky valve/valves right?

A rapidly fluctuating gauge could be indicative of a burned valve or
compression problem also.  Have you checked the compression lately?


John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      | 
Conservative Libertarian        |  "The road to  tyranny, we must never
Life Member of the NRA          |   forget, begins with the destruction
WA Arms Collectors              |   of the truth."
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   |                     William J. Clinton
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |    10-15-95, speech at the Univ. of CT

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