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Re: Think Different


In 1993 Littleton High School got kudos in the liberal press for a new
class they were offering.  I can't remember the exact title but one line
in the syllabus stuck with me.  "Demystifying religous superstition
surrounding death"   They may have reaped what they sowed.  Has happened
frequently in human history.  Ever hear of the law of unintended

Also, several studies have been done on children raised in day care
instead of by their mothers.  The results have been really scary!  What
happens is that babies /small children need a single person in their lives
who will hold them etc. etc.  In daycare mom isn't there, she's at work.

The kids are held quite a bit less than by mom if she stays at home.  We
cna't afford to hire someone to pay attention to each kid all day.  There
just isn't enough money.

The upshot of this is that the kids don't form lasting relationships with
people very well.  They tend to think of people in the same terms as I
might regard furniture.  The consequences might be....

Personally I found this really scary.

Send the flames to:

      [email protected]

Lets not wipe out the Digest with this one. 

Steven A. Stegmann
     _/_/_/    _/      _/_/_/ "No free man shall ever be debarred the use
   _/    _/   _/_/   _/    _/  of arms.  The strongest reason for the 
   _/        _/ _/   _/        people to retain the right to keep and bear
    _/_/    _/  _/    _/_/     arms is, as a last resort, to protect 
       _/  _/_/_//       _/    themselves against tyranny in government"
 _/    _/ _/    _/ _/    _/    
 _/_/_/  _/     _/ _/_/_/         Thomas Jefferson, June 1776

On Sun, 9 May 1999 [email protected] wrote:

> oh, john, you mean like how Dr ML. King was shot the day before the GCA
> passed?  or how the day after the CA Attorney general asked police for
> proof the state "assult weapons" law was needed, patrick purdy shot a
> schoolground of kids up w/ a AK47?  or how the "bonus" army marched on
> Washington, and shortly after we got the NFA?
> oh, and I do find it very interesting that the Littleton masacure (sp)
> happened just days before and mere miles away from where the largest
> recognized pro-gun group was planning to hold their annual meeting.
> lots more, but I went and looked, there is an "attack" just prior to
> every major gun control law passed since 1850
> Joe
> ... Oxymoron: Gun Control.
> On Fri, 07 May 1999 20:50:16 -0700 "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>
> writes:
> >Owen,
> >If you think those Mac/Linux/IHC guys have a conspiracy mentality, 
> >add
> >to it those of us who think the world is out to get our 2nd Amendment
> >rights.
> >John Hofstetter  Mac/IHC/2nd Amendment Conspiracy Theorist
> >----------
> >From: "Owen" <[email protected]>
> >To: "Eric Hegstrom" <[email protected]>,"John Hofstetter"
> ><[email protected]>,"ihc mailing list"
> ><[email protected]>
> >Subject: Re: Think Different
> >Date: Thu, May 6, 1999, 10:26 PM
> >
> >
> >I'd have to say it's the conspiracy theory mentality that holds a
> >common
> >thread amongst combination Mac/Linux/IHC enthusias
> >
> >
> Joe Dufresne email (normal) [email protected] email (with attachments)
> [email protected], ICQ #25751950, homepage
> http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Trails/6536/index.html, Scout Page
> http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Trails/6536/scoutf.html PGP public key
> avadiable upon request
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