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Re: flacky pertronics?

Well I have the resistance wire without the extra resistor. I just
wanted to confirm. You're saying you're running the coil that says "USE
BALLAST RESISTOR" on it hooked directly to the 12v (through the ign
switch obviously) with the pertronics. I haven't let the smoke out of an
electrical device lately so I will give it a try. Where's Tesla when I
need him.


Daniel Nees wrote:
> Sorry about the K, I'm working on Erick Foor's web site,
> http://www.eastcoastscouts.com/ and I've been writing to him alot and
> sort of hit the K automatically. Let me know how the test goes.
> _____Dan Nees_____
> [email protected]
> Good, getting a new heart.
> Bad, growing UP.
> Ugly, about to under go complete reconstructive surgery.
> http://members.tripod.com/~IHCaholic/scoutindex.html
> http://www.triplediamond.org

Eric Hegstrom                          .~.
Senior Software Engineer               /V\  
Sonoran Scanners, Inc.                // \\          L I N U X
[email protected]        /(   )\  >don't fear the penguin<
520-617-0072 x402                     ^^-^^

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