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1 ton plus - was Tom's new T-all

>Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 07:54:56 -0700
>From: "J. Grammer" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Tom's new T-all

>>Now, a little further down the line, I'd like to see about a 25'
>>flatbed/car hauler.. build one if I can.. a car trailer big enough to
>>haul TWO Scouts on (or, for wheelin' trips, one Scout and a friend's
>>EBronco).  Would this Travelall be up to the task?
>That's a lot of tow. I'd prefer a 1 ton somethingorother minimum. Actually,
>I don't think you could talk me into bumper towing that much weight in
>anything smaller than a Loadstar. Wag the Dog is my least favorite game ;).
Speaking of Loadstars etc., a friend of mine recently bought a brand
new F350 powerstroke (very nice, but I don't see myself having the bucks 
for one of those in this lifetime). Anyway, he said that when you go
above the 1 ton into the F550s and so on, that the taxes and insurance
take a big jump and become a lot more expensive. Anyone here have one 
of the larger binders? Have you experienced this? Just curious about 
the feasibility of a heavier truck as an occasional tow rig.

   [email protected]  San Diego, CA
   Binder Bunch: http://www.off-road.com/~jweed/binder.htm
   Scouts West: http://www.scoutswest.com
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 [[_______|=s=|_______]]                  `' `--------' `--'
 [/</]   \_/       [\>\]                   `-'        `-'
 [/>/]             [\<\] '75 Scout II     '75 Travelall 150

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