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legislative alert

Texas Introduces Restrictive Inoperable Vehicle Bill 

A bill (H.B. 1103) has been introduced in the Texas legislature that
would declare inoperable vehicles "junked vehicles" if they lack proper
licensing or motor vehicle registration and are either dismantled or
have remained inoperable on private property for more than 15
consecutive days. As you may know, having a "junked vehicle" in Texas
can open hobbyists up to fines and possible removal of valuable project
and parts cars by local officials. 
We Urge You to Contact Your State Legislators in Opposition to This Bill 
H.B. 1103 establishes an unreasonably short 15-day time period for
hobbyists to license or get parts and project cars inspected before
Texas law considers these vehicles "junk." Current law allows for 45

H.B. 1103 would make it difficult for hobbyists to work on collector
vehicles on private property. 

H.B. 1103 demonstrates a lack of understanding of the vehicle hobby and
the rights of hobbyists. 
Contact your state legislators in opposition to this proposed
legislation. This bill tramples on the rights of vehicle enthusiasts and
collectors in Texas. If you need assistance in determining who your
legislators are, please contact the Texas Legislature Information Lines
at 512-463-1252 for the Senate and 512-463-0845 for the House of
Representatives. This information can also be obtained by calling the
SEMA Washington, D.C. office at 202/783-6007 or via the Internet at
Please fax a copy of your letters to us at 202/783-6024 or mail to: 
SEMA Washington Office
1317 F Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
Attention: Steve McDonald/Brian Caudill 

_____Dan Nees_____
[email protected]

1 Scout II 1979 named Good
1 Scout II 1971 named Bad
1 Scout II 1979 named Ugly 
I'm looking for an Automatic Tranny that will not take on water!



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