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Re: Colorado Emissions Testing

> Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 12:56:04 -0700
> From: Tom Harais <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: How do I lower my HC (ppm)?
> But in Colorado, some one said they just test your tailpipe emissions at
> idle to be sure they are below a certain point and only in the Denver
> Tom H .

Used to be so, Tom, but not anymore.  As is so often said, the rest of the
nation seems to follow CA in this regard.

The Colorado Emissions Program covers the entire "Front Range" from Fort
Collins to Colorado Springs.  (The relatively flat areas directly adjecent
to the mountains -- where we're particularly subject to "inversions" during
the winter months.)

Almost every service station used to have an emissions tester machine, and
the test used to consist of unloaded idle and 2500 RPM tests.

Now, however, the State has contracted with "Envirotest" to construct and
operate a series of testing centers that include chassis dynamometers.  The
test is more expensive (naturally), so they reduced the requirement from
EVERY year down to every OTHER year.

All the "little guy" shops are no longer able to perform State-certified
emissions testing.

Both the old and the new program include a VISUAL inspection of required
equipment -- so regardless of how CLEAN your tailpipe sniffs, you fail if
you're missing a mandated gadget anywhere.

Bill Thebert

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