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Cal legislation


California Legislators to Support Hobbyists on Emissions Testing State
Senators Maurice Johannessen and Richard Mountjoy have introduced three
bills designed to take the pressure of invasive emissions testing off
the backs of California car enthusiasts.
�������� � � � Senator Johannessen's bill, S.B.
1058-the "tailpipe-only test"-seeks to ease the burden of emission
testing for owners of aftermarket-equipped vehicles by limiting visual
and functional testing requirements. Under S.B. 1058, vehicles equipped
with California-legal aftermarket parts that pass tailpipe emissions
requirements will be relieved of the common automatic referral to a
referee station for additional testing. Currently, these referrals often
happen when a technician merely sees aftermarket parts under the hood.
�������� � � � The Senator Mountjoy's first bill,
S.B. 285, seeks to exempt older vehicles from random roadside emissions
tests. Under existing law, California is required to conduct arbitrary
testing using remote sensing and roadside tailpipe tests. This bill
would exempt any motor vehicle manufactured prior to the 1974 model year
or, beginning on Jan. 1, 2003, any motor vehicle that is 30 or more
model years old. "I am appalled that hidden traps on the side of the
road can snare older cars not required to have smog checks, pulling them
into the test as a spider traps a fly in its web," Senator Mountjoy
stated. "There is a loophole in the law which will allow bureaucrats to
trap exempted older cars, like classic cars."
�������� � � � Senator Mountjoy's second bill,
S.B. 296 would exempt vehicles driven 5,000 miles or less from obtaining
a certificate of emissions compliance or noncompliance every two years.
This bill acknowledges that collector vehicles are infrequently
operated, overwhelmingly well-maintained, and have a negligible effect
on California's air pollution problem.
�������� � � � The hobbyist community and SEMA are
hopeful that these bills will finally mark the inspection of
older cars as a wasteful and inefficient use of resources. Accordingly,
SEMA Action Network clubs and contacts in California have been contacted
and urged to vigorously support S.B. 1058, S.B. 285 and S.B 296.

_____Dan Nees_____
[email protected]

1 Scout II 1979 named Good
1 Scout II 1971 named Bad
1 Scout II 1979 named Ugly
I'm looking for an Automatic Tranny that will not take on water!



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