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Re[2]: T-Quad part needed.
The coil is supposed to be about one inch long and 1/4 wide, and is
common coiled, meaning that the coils on the spring are the same
directions as threads on a bolt. The bummer is that the hardware
store only has reverse coils. So if I make the hardware store coils
work, when I tension the air-valve it will make the spring width
bigger., may not work.
Let me know.
I may have a line on a parts carb.
PS Anyone ever put a seal on the INPUT shaft of a saginaw PS box on
the vehicle? The travelall leaks like a freaking sieve.
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Subject: Re: T-Quad part needed.
Author: [email protected] at mime
Date: 3/30/99 4:19 PM
[email protected] wrote:
Well, the spring adjuster that is supposed to look like a spring, clinked
it's way into the float bowl and came out like a farnked slinky.
I don't think I have the part you need, but I refuse to even look until you
tell me what a "farnked" slinky is. Or am I too young to understand?
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Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 16:19:02 -0800
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: T-Quad part needed.
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