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Re: Tom M, John L,
[email protected] wrote:
> Am I to understand that the Traveler that Tom towed back is the
> very same that Tom H, and Jonn L, and I removed the top from?
Yes, Joel - the very same.
http://walnut.tmcom.com/~tsm1/scout/jpg/traveler has some pics...
> Where is the windshield frame? I may be in the market for one myself.
Nice try, Joel - John swiped it before I got to Seattle. ;-)
> Anyone have a windshield frame that they might consider trading for an
> entire Scout hard top or something else?
I have a new windshield frame I need to examine.. looks OK from the
top.. we'll see what happens when we remove it from the tub this
weekend.. but it's slated for my racer.
I do know of a good windshield frame with glass at the local boneyard..
showed up last Saturday when I was hitching up the '72 to tow home.. $50
he said..
Oh, and *I* have a hardtop (or two) I could part with...
> Oh, and Tom M, You are frigging out of control man! You win, most
> scouts, fewest drivers/running. 6? 7? When will it end? You can't
Seven is my current goal. It'll stop for a while.. though I have a line
on an IH Pickup...
ONE runs. My god! I think there's something wrong with me...
A few of the Scouts are "going"/gone.. I can justify my '77 - daily
driver. My '72 is the frame-off restoration ground-up project (that's
always on hold). The Racer is, well, the racer.
Now.. the '72 I just towed home is getting scrapped for parts. The old
blue Racer has already been scrapped for (a few) parts. The Traveler..
dunno what I'm going to do with it yet.. but the '78 I'm going to get
from Billings in a month or so *will become a runner*!! I'm going to
put the 304/auto/D20 and the Dana30/44 out of the '72 I'm dismantling
into the '78.. that's all it needs.. axles and drivetrain.. and then
it'll be a pavement-pounding stock Scout II. Hey, maybe I'll have a
chance to wear off the TWENTY stock tires I have! At least 8 are like
new... the other 12 are so-so...
> even move all that on semi! That's probably next, an Eagle with a
> car-hauler! I'll drive fer ya! Hey, so would you say that you got
Umm.. I *was* eyeballing that IH school bus at the junkyard on
Saturday... leave a row or two of seats, then remove a row or two for a
"table"/bed like small campers have (table sits on a post, remove post,
set table down and it sits across the "benches" and makes a bed).. then
remove the back half of the bus to make a "low-boy" style flat-deck..
have my Scout IIs straddle the bus's frame rails...
Or, i also know of a cab-over IH tractor for sale... and my stepdad has
a 38' refrigeration trailer I could probably get cheap.. big 'nuff to
drive a Scout II (or three) into the back...)
> all 7 of yours for still less thatn I paid for my 3? $3800?
Lemme see... I bet!
$1700 for my first - the '72.
$700 for my current '77.
$30 for the '77 Racer (gas to get it)
$30 for the '78 Racer (gas to get it)
$180 for the '77 Traveler
$325 for the '72 Scout II Parts rig
and it'll be $100 plus $50 in gas for the '78 in Billings..
Hmmm.. $3,115. Give or take..
I need to see what the IH 1/2T pickup is gonna run me.. probably in the
$100-$300 range as well. and I *could've* bought the '75 sitting out
front of my house (with a bent frame and then it had a munched front
clip) for $300, too...
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