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A quick poll

As an exercise in futility, and for my own personal enlightenment, would all
those that read this do me a favor?  Answer the following question:

"Do you believe there has been progress in America from 1960 until now? (Yes
or No)"

Please limit your answer to YES or NO.

Please email me, not the group (to save bandwidth) at [email protected]  .
If you hit the reply button it will bounce.  Put "poll" or something
similarly simple in the subject and then either Yes or No in the body.

No explanations are necessary and no "qualifications" will be allowed.
Answer the question based on your opinion as to the whole of American
Society, Technologically, Socially, Spiritually, whatever you deem as
important to defining progress.

Please email me direct, no use wasting band width.  If I get sufficiently
large numbers of answers (more than a half dozen or so) I'll let you know
the consensus.

John Stricker

[email protected]

"I didn't spend all these years getting to the top of the food chain
just to become a vegetarian"

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