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Re: Fender removal

Thanks. I don't have a shop manual and wouldn't know where to turn to get

Daniel Nees wrote:

> Kevin,
>    Theoretically, it is possible to pull the entire front clp off of the
> frame. This is not as easy as it sounds, and I've never explored how
> it's done. Maybe Howard could elaborate on how it is done. I believe the
> shop manual explains how to do it. If you have one, and if you don't
> shame on you, let me know and I'll look for you.
> _____Dan Nees_____
> [email protected]
> Keep Scoutin' and I'll be Travelalling along!
> 3 Scout II's and still counting!
> http://members.tripod.com/~IHCaholic/scoutindex.html

Kevin and Lisa Curry <>< - [email protected]
"It's not a matter of no one else being able to keep up. It's a matter
of no one else being able to follow." -from my Hummer poster

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