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Re: IHC Engine Durability

The aliens commander decided "Tom Harais" <[email protected]> would make a
perfect specimen for dissection, and he yelled...

>Even though I know it adds to the cost, for a long term engine, like the IH
>I have always considered "decking" and "squaring" the block part of the
>necessary machining as well as "line boring" and using the head plates
>torqued to spec to be part of an engine "blueprinting" and rebuild job.

On the 392 I just rebuilt, I did not bother to mill the heads or block deck
for the simple fact I didn't think any benefit to doing so would offset the
fact that I'd then have to pay to have the intake machined as well.  Then
I'd be stuck with an odd ball intake manifold should I ever choose to swap
it to another engine.

Of course, if you have warped heads and / or block, then you don't have a
choice.  I checked mine and they were fine enough.

>I've also been under the impression that the shop would at least throw a
>straightedge across the head mating surfaces of the block BEFORE they did
>the heads to make sure that there was no warpage and incompatability.

Sure... for $20.00 or so they'll happily throw a straight edge on it and
check it for "free."  Almost nothing is done for free nowadays, unless
their other prices have been adjusted to compensate. <grin>

BTW, I drove my truck to work today after finishing up the 392 engine swap
last night.  Man is it running smooth... that balance job was money well
spent.  I'll provide a full report to the Digest when I get time, but it
sure was a good feeling when the engine fired up and ran perfectly the
first time I hit the starter!

Take care,

John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      | 
Conservative Libertarian        |  "The road to  tyranny, we must never
Life Member of the NRA          |   forget, begins with the destruction
WA Arms Collectors              |   of the truth."
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   |                     William J. Clinton
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |    10-15-95, speech at the Univ. of CT

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