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Re: Fuel Pump problem

Well said, Mr. Landry.
John H.
From: [email protected] (John A. Landry)
To: "Tom Harais" <[email protected]>
Cc: "John Hofstetter" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Fuel Pump problem
Date: Mon, Feb 1, 1999, 1:51 PM

The aliens commander decided "Tom Harais" <[email protected]> would
make a
perfect specimen for dissection, and he yelled...

>Especially coming right after I requested two days off at the end of
>February so I could go to Pismo and my stupid boss' response was,
>see". I almost went postal on the guy. "We'll see" just doesn't cut
>"Yes", then fine. "No", then why not and it better be a specific
>reason not just because he thinks he might need me. "We'll see"; how
do I
>make reservations on that?

Maybe he just wants to see if your attitude will improve any between
and then? <grin>

John L.
jlandry AT halcyon DOT com      | 
Conservative Libertarian        |  "The road to  tyranny, we must
Life Member of the NRA          |   forget, begins with the
WA Arms Collectors              |   of the truth."
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   |                     William J.
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |    10-15-95, speech at the Univ. of

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