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Re: different versions of the 392 ( industrial or truck )

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:38:50 -0800 John Fleck <[email protected]>
>I have a buddie who told me that he had an IH motor with the industrial
>392-b motor. he said it had larger mains and journals and yada yada. Is
>there such a beast? he said the 392-c was the truck motor and the b was
>industrial. Howard or anybody with a time machine to go back and look
>this. I would appreciate the information
I don't know of anything that will give a definite answer on this.  But I
have the following comments on the subject:

A)  I've never heard of a V-392 B/C before.  Now they could have done
something like this without asking my approval (Actually, I don't recall
them asking for my approval on anything at all), but I'd expect the fact
that there would be different parts needed to have cropped up sometime if
the industrial version did exist.

B)  The economics of the situation make it appear unlikely.  This would
seem to require a different crank forging and I doubt if there were
enough sales of this type to justify it.  My guess is that the non-truck
sales probably didn't account for 5% of the 392's built, although I've
never seen actual numbers.  If these engines were different, the odd-ball
parts would have to be supported somehow.

C}  If the costs could be justified, was there a need for a heavier
bottom end for the V-392 in the first place?

Anyway, you can probably tell that I am sceptical about his claim, but
don't have the facts to say he's wrong.

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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