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Re: Veggans Vs Beefeaters
Okay, this is a thread that could continue indefinitely and never help any
of us fix our IH's. Simply let me say that I agree with Ken. There is
always some test somewhere that will support almost any statement or
belief. We are taught about this in a few of our classes at Chiro school,
as they try to teach us to read medical studies from a truly objective point
of view. I have read the type of study that Dan mentions, and have read
several that refute it. I am not strong-witted enough to truly understand
how either form of eating exclusively affects the earth. I simply choose my
way of life from my forementioned, in describing my "confrontation" at work,
fear of hurting others. Being in Chiro school I study the nerves a lot.
One of their major functions, of course, is to notify the affected creature
of outside stimuli, which may, at times be interpreted as pain. I feel that
any evolved animal with a nervous system does indeed feel pain and choose
not to be a part of the pains that they are possibly more subjected to in
the manner that they are raised when they are being raised for food. Very
few plants show any semblance of a nervous system, thus I feel much better
about eating them. I have no proof of my contentions, so I do not preach to
anyone else to accept my viewpoint. You do your thing, I do mind.
I do encourage everyone to remember, you can't believe everything you read!
If anyone truly wants to get into a philosophical discussion of this, feel
free to e-mail me off-digest. I love debate, and this is one of the great
ones, as there is no true right or wrong that can be proven.
However, I shall still proudly wear the title of "Hippie Tree Hugger Freak
Granola Head!" Even though I did cut my hair!
Peace and Freedom to Eat as We Choose!
Ken Hitchcox wrote:
> Dan,
> That sure seems hard to believe. In one of those "don't eat meat" books,
> the author noted that it takes something like 10 times more acreage to
> feed a cow than a human. (rough #'s as I don't have the book handy.
> Don't ask why I read it, as I don't want to be a male chauvanist pig in
> public).
> I think this is an example of the statistics telling you what they want
> you to hear. How does this relate to IH? Uhm, she rode in the Scout
> once? She wouldn't go to Stuart Anderson's with me either.
> Are you gonna have pictures of the tranny apart anytime soon? I checked
> your site sometime this week and didn't see any.
> Ken
> Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:29:13 -0500 (EST)
> From: [email protected] (Daniel Nees)
> Subject: RE: hippie tree huggers
> I really don't have anything to say about them per say, but; Chris P
> and some others would be sorely disapointed if I didn't at least mention
> them after a tirade like what you just had Jeff.
> What I really want to mention is, last night I was reading in
> Bowhunter Mag in the doctors office, (yeah I was shocked too, this was
> in a yuppie area to boot!) and they had the results of a study that some
> university in London had done. They found that people who eat beef are
> better for the enviroment than vegitarians. What they found was that the
> energy expended to plant, grow, pick, transport, and prepare veggies
> consumes 45 Megajoules off energy for every ONE Megajoule of energy
> produced from the consumption of the food .However, only 8 Megajoules of
> energy are used to raise cattle and make them into food for every one
> megajoule of energy produced from thier consumption. So, the moral is,
> if you love the enviroment you would eat beef like real Americans and
> stop polluting the planet with your Veggan practice!
> >Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 16:16:31 -0700
> >From: Terry Rust <[email protected]>
> >Subject: I can out whine your Tom
> >
> >Tom wimpered:
> >>Whine whine whine... There's a NAPA in Helena and a NAPA in East
> Helena
> >>(5 miles).. otherwise, the next duplicate parts store (CarQuest,
> >>BumperToBumper, Champion, Checker) is at a minimum 50 miles away (just
> >>thinking, there is a third NAPA in Townsend, about 30 miles)
> >
> >Well (snivelly voiced)we have one NAPA and one Car Quest (although they
> are
> >notoriously unethical and unreliable so I don't ever go there) neither
> >carries much of anything in stock and absolutely nothing under an IH
> >application, next is one totally trashed Autozone (If it aint a chebby
> or a
> >ford truck, we don't got it ... bro') about 25 miles away and one each
> >NAPA, CQ, Az, Checker and Pepboys in the state capitol, between 35 and
> 50
> >miles away, same demographic shopper as the previous Az, (chebbys and
> ford
> >trucks, preferably lowridered in stock, all others must pay in full
> first,
> >then maybe we order it) So we must plan ahead for the monthly
> pilgrimage to
> >the "big town" (100-120 miles each way) for parts other than oil and
> >filters, or mailorder it. Fortunately we do pay a premium for this
> >convenience.
> >
> >Boy I'd like to move back to the USA, oops I guess New Mexico is a
> state,
> >sort of.
> >
> >Terry Rust
> >
> >"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who
> >approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but
> >downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
> >- --Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the
> Constitution
> >(1788).
> >
> >------------------------------
> >
> >End of ihc-digest V6 #476
> >*************************
> >
> >
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