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Re: Vintage IH sighting (sort of)

I can one up you tere, bud.

I've been reading the "work & the glory" series, a 9 volume fictional
series about the early days of my church.

in volume 3, the patriarch of the family the books are about recived as a
gift from his son in 1836 a Mccormick reaping machine, which the author
takes a page and a half to describe.  un fortuantly, when the mobs drove
the saints out of wer west it was destroyed.


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On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 15:06:22 EST [email protected] writes:
>I happened to run across an unopened copy of a June 97 Cars and Parts
>Magazine,  to which I subscribe. Just goes to show you how much time I 
>have to
>read magazines!
>Anyway, each issue highlights a salvage yard that specializes in older 
>This issue featured American Auto Salvage in Grand Junction, CO. Right 
>in the article, amongst the pics of old F**ds, Chivies, Dodges is a 
>International 1 1/2 ton flatbed truck. It looks pretty complete, just 
>rust. You can plainly see the IH emblems on the radiator shell and the 
>side of
>the hood. It still has the cowl-mounted running lights and even the 
>gah horn is still there. This probably means the yard is asking a 
>pretty penny
>for it. But it sure is cool!
>Any of you Colorado digesters ever been to this yard? There might be 
>Scout/Traveller/PU stuff there, too.
>Roy Ireland
>65 Scout 80
>Tucson, AZ
>[email protected]

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