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Re: Lights in the back of speedometers
I think you mean something else. I'm not talking about the
actual bulb retainer. I'm talking about the internal baffles in
the speedo shell. When I turn my headlights on and the panel
lights come on, the BRAKE and FRT.AXLE ENGAGED appear to glow.
Now when you actually depress the e-brake, or pull 4wd, the
indicators get quite alot brighter. Now, the problem appears
that there should be some kind of small cardboard tube that
surrounds the lenses for the two 'idiot lights', thus eliminating
the light bleeding through from the other bulbs. When I turn my
high-beams on, the blue indicator is so bright, that the odometer
is barely visible from the light bleeding down inside and behind
the speedo face.
It gets annoying when new passengers always tell me 'your
brakes are on' or 'why are you in 4wd?'. I always have to pull
levers or step on pedals at the next light to illustrate to them
nothings's wrong.
-Joel, Not do discount your technique. I'm going to try it!
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Lights in the back of speedometers
Author: [email protected] at mime
Date: 1/7/99 8:30 AM
I have a pretty good fix for this. Since I have stolen all of them from every
junkyard in the Northeast, i decided it was time to figure out how to fix
them. The little tabs break off that hold them into the back of the gauge,
right? Get some cheap two part 5 min. epoxy and mix some up on a piece of
cardboard like body filler. Then take a nail or something to aply a dab of
it where the tab should be. give it 5 -10 minutes to dry, then carve the
slot out of the epxoy. I used an old hack saw blade to get the slot then
trimmed the corner with a utility knife to give it the slope so it turns in
easy and tightens. I did it on ten sockets, I so I'd have a few spares. I
now have more good sockets then bulbs.
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