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Ideas on Truck Performance Differences

I've had some really good responses to my question of the performance
differences of my two loadstars.

From Owen I got:

"The more powerful one has the larger volume, dusty air condition, air
cleaner and/or, has larger exhaust system with a crossover tube.


One is an air brake model and has that pump running all the time, sucking
power, and the other is hydraulic"

And from John Landry I got:

"Wind drag???  Are the truck beds shaped differently?"

And from Garry Mauldin I got:

"Hey, is your problem that one truck is running hotter than the other
or over heating really badly, and causing you to lose power"

I'm going to give just another day, then I'll tell you what I figured out
and had confirmed by others, but with regard to these.

To Owen, not bad.  In fact, the lower power one did originally have an oil
bath air cleaner and the other a paper one.  So we changed it to paper as
well (and I was tired of the mess cleaning it.)  No change.  It was dyno'd
after the change, BTW.  Both trucks have vacuum over hydraulic brakes.

To John L, good guess and close.  The truck beds are both 16' Omaha Standard
Grain Beds, with 40" sides.  But I might give you partial credit for the
"wind drag".

To Garry, both trucks on the road run right in the middle of the normal

I promise, I'll post the answer tomorrow.


[email protected]

"I didn't spend all these years getting to the top of the food chain
just to become a vegetarian"

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