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Re: Toy trucks!


I think the aswer may be much simpler than not having the license from
somebody to make accurate IH vehicles.  If you look around you will see the
same diecast pickups with all sorts of company logos.  I think it is just
cheaper for Ertel to manucfacture one pickup and paint  and decal it
according to who is going to sell that particular lot of 1,000.  Or whatever
the number is.

The same 40 Ford is sold as a Ford, Case, IH, Central Treactor, County
General, John Deere, Hemmings Motor News, Moon Equipment, Wescott, and any
other cpmpany that wants to pay the freight logo.  They have done this for
years.  If there was a licensing issue with Ertel, I would think it would
effect the toy tractors as well, and they make a bunch of IH tractors....


Howard R Pletcher wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 23:34:57 -0700 "Kurt Musgrave" <[email protected]>
> writes:
> >IH'ers,  This may be all wrong but my local C*se-IH dealer says Navistar
> has
> >not or will not license Ertl to make those using IH trucks. I do know
> they
> >use the same truck with several different logo schemes. (Jo*n D*ere
> etc.)
> >Maybe they just haven't seen the need to make some IH trucks.  If you
> will
> >notice some of those logos just have the word Harvester under the logo
> instead of International Harvester.  Case cannot use the word
> International
> >except in places where it was originally used.  Anybody know that to be
> true
> >or not?  Eastwood does have some IH toys, some R series trucks and even
> a
> >modern International 4000.  Check it out:
> >               http://www.mcctoybox.com/
> >
> Short version of what I've heard about the names:Case owns the IH logo,
> the International Harvester trademark, and the International trademark as
> related to farm equipment.  Navistar owns the trademark International for
> trucks and can also use IH where it's historically accurate, as in
> authorizing it on toy trucks where it was originally used.  Case has been
> using both Case and International on their tractors, although I've heard
> they are now dropping the International.  I don't understand any logos
> with just Harvester as I don't recall any use of that by itself in the
> past.
> I've wondered about the reason for the non-International trucks in the
> toy sets, but it may be that the agreements with KW or Ford make it
> easier for Ertl to package them that way than to coordinate with both
> Case and Navistar.  Or perhaps, Case and/or Navistar intend to distance
> themselves from each other in this area and won't allow the sets to be
> packaged with both Internationals.  You wouldn't have seen a Ford shop
> truck at an IH dealer until after 1975 when there were no more IH
> pickups.
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