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Power to the coil and to the people!

>From: "Jeff Tarquinio" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Gold box
>This will burn your coil out quicker than the gold box, BTDT.
>- ---
>'77 Terra 345/T19/D20
>   Survivor of '98 Scout Nationals
>"This bottom lines as: if you have a gold box don't leave your key on in 
>the run position when not running. 
>John H."

Hmmmm, Tark,
With the Gold Box, is there power flowing through the coil when the 
distributor isn't rotating to send a signal?  With a non electronic 
distributor that has the points closed, the coil is getting constant 
power, but I thought with the electronics only the Gold Box would be 
powered up. ?????????????

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