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RE: battery

Hey Dan,
How far is your drive to work?  If you are running lights, heater, radio
etc, there is not much left over  to charge your battery.  First thing
you want to do in that situation is to top the water level off (with
distilled water, never tap) and put a good slow charge on the battery
(battery charger).  If you have to drive it to charge it you need to
leave as many accessories off while driving at highway speeds for at
least 1/2 hour.  This way the alternator can give a strong charge to the
battery.  But you still need to put it on the battery charger when you
get home.  I alway charge my batteries (and top them off, if not sealed)
every fall before the cold sets in.  Nothin beats a good slow charge
(well almost nothin <grin>).

The Scout Ranch

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	[email protected] [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent:	Thursday, November 12, 1998 5:12 PM
> To:	[email protected]
> Subject:	battery
> Binders,
>    Ugly has been giving me some problems this week starting. In the
> morning when cold he just about starts, kinda a ruunnfff then grabs.
> If
> I plug in the  heater he isn't so bad. Then monday he was dead and I
> had
> to jump him, but; he started at work, howbeit it was a rather weak
> turn
> over. Then yeasterday it was warm and I had no problems. BUT, today
> when
> I got up to go to work the battery was DEAD. Even the radio stations
> were erased. So after jumping him, he started right up, but; had no

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