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Re: My questions are unusual and seldom answered

 I had the heads from the 392 in my Travelall milled .080. I heard
conflicting opinions of whether the lifters could adjust for the
change or not. I ended up shimming the rockers by about .055 just
to be safe, and everything sounds good. The cam you use can have
an effect on this - I believe Competition Cams have a smaller 
base circle than the stock IH cam, and this can compensate somewhat
for the rockers moving closer to the cam when you shave the heads.
I went with a Schneider cam, which I've heard has the same base
circle as stock. .095 sounds like a lot - I've always heard .080
as the limit (though that's for the 392 - 345s have smaller valves,
so that might allow you to take a little more off of the heads) - 
you might want to put some modeling clay on top of a piston, put 
the head and rockers on, and rotate the crank a time or two to make 
sure you've got clearance between the piston and the valves.

> I have .124 of play in the lifters of my 345 using stock pushrods with
> the heads milled .095.  Is that enough play left in the plunger for the
> lifter to work correctly.
> Rik DesJardin                  It is better to be quiet and thought a
> fool
> [email protected]      than to speak and remove all doubt.
> I say that and then I still keep speaking out.
> Time for the pre-season snowmobile check.
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later,         [email protected]  Louisville, CO
  Curt         Binder Bunch: http://www.off-road.com/~jweed/binder.htm
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 [[_______|=s=|_______]]                  `' `--------' `--'
 [/</]   \_/       [\>\]                   `-'        `-'
 [/>/]             [\<\] '75 Scout II     '75 Travelall 150

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