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Re: Reasonable Prices and my position on it.

>I apologize, but I must finally level with you.  Some of us out here
>have discussed you and have formed an opinion of you.  We have,
>fortunately, one opinion of you as a digest member, and one opinion as a

Both good I hope and if not i will strive to make them good by taking your
suggestions into consideration.

> You tend to push your business a bit too much on the
>digest.  The digest is to be comletely personal, but you alwYS refer
>people to your business. 

	Not true, alot of the time I try to use my personal sig file to
distinguise and be just one of the digesters, but I guess thats not
possible anymore. It sometimes hard to switch the sig files around when you
are in a hurry. 

	I Go to school full time, manage Thomas and Associates Publishing Company,
Work everynight from 5:30-9:30, find time to answer e-mail from customers,
fix the house I live in in xchange for rent, and try to help people on the
digest. I guess it sometimes slip my mine as to witch sig file is on.

 Your prices are very reasonable, but there is
>a web-ring  for businesses, and everyone should handle this from now
>on.  Keep me in touch!
Thanks for the compliments in the past as well as this one. What webring
are you refering to?


Well Michael,

	I must say I was a digest member first and formost and got tired of not
seeing any businesses respond to digesters as well as my requests for
products. I asked if people were interested in me making stuff for them and
they said yes. So in essance I responded to the digesters requests and keep
them informed as too my progress. If the folks who told me to go for it and
start a business to serve them dont want to here from me about updated
product ideas and my mission then so be it I will not inform anyone anymore
on the digest. 

	I mearly had an opinion as a digester and Business
Entrepenuership/Managment major at WSU, about high prices and thought I
could express it. I mearly felt that all this pushing of Metalward's
products had gone on long enough and thought I would let people know I felt
his prices were a bit on the high side. It seems that these opinions are
freely offered on the digest all the time about different things,
(ie..warns full floater kit, pertronics...etc).

I see other people selling stuff on the digest and sometimes I have a stock
of spare parts that I PERSONALLY want to get rid of. So I guess once a
person starts a business its hard to sell something personally without
people thinking its thru your business. I will have to find some way to
distinguise that in the future. Ahh the price one pays for going into

Again sorry if I ticked ya off, that was not the purpose. If you or anyone
has any suggestions on any of this please feel free to telll me. Thanks

John Fleck
                        John L Fleck  
                     1225 N.E. McGee Way
                     Pullman, Wa. 99163
        Washington State University College # 509 332-7565 
        E-MAIL  [email protected]                
        ICQ # 8536313                 GOD bless you
        Personal Web Site: http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~jlfleck
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